American Music Studio
Instructor Policy
At American Music Studio ("The Studio"), an instructor is hired as a private contractor (“The Instructor”). Each Instructor will be given one of the following designations...
Apprentice Instructor: “Instructor in training” for one reason or another. Apprentices will co-teach with a Master Instructor’s direction, planning, and/or supervision.
Independent Instructor: Apprentice Instructors that have demonstrated self motivation and capability. Independent instructors will be given their own students and be expected to manage themselves accordingly.
Master Instructor: Instructors that have shown a mastery of both their musical field as well as the ability to teach within it. Master instructors will be given additional responsibilities such as content development, Apprentice training, idea generation, marketing tasks, etc. Master Instructors will have a 1 hour meeting every week to review their progress and outline work going forward. This meeting will be paid as an Advanced Musician Lesson but will not count towards the weekly lesson counts.
Any work that you are asked to complete may be done in any manner as you see fit as long as it doesn't violate The Studio's policies or endanger The Studio's business, students, or clients. Instructors are expected to inform The Studio if any task, student, or client is beyond their capabilities. Instructors may not subcontract any of The Studio's work without direct consent from The Studio.
Lessons: The Instructor will provide The Studio a weekly availability. The Studio may freely schedule inside that availability per The Studio Rules. The Instructor will be expected to arrive on time and provide service for the full duration of the scheduled lesson.
Content: The Instructor may be asked to provide various materials and/or content for the studio. The Studio will have full right to use these materials and/or content as it wishes. The Instructor retains all copyright to any content they create unless otherwise stated. The Instructor may not use The Studio’s likeness, material, or copy in their private use of these materials and/or content.
Communication: The Instructor will be expected to maintain reasonable and professional contact and communication with The Studio and The Studio’s clients. The Instructor will make every effort to inform The Studio of any and all pertinent information discovered in such communications. The Studio may inquire of The Instructor the details of any and all such communications with The Studio’s clients or affiliated personnel.
Guidelines: The Instructor will adhere to and enforce The Studio’s rules and policies on The Studio’s property, when dealing with The Studio’s clients, or when in any other way representing The Studio. This includes but is not limited to preserving the physical state of all of The Studio’s equipment/property.
Students and Clients
Instructors will come into contact with students, clients, and other vital personnel through The Studio. Instructors are expected to carry themselves in a professional manner and represent The Studio in the best manner possible. Instructors are forbidden from entering into separate business relationships with any of these personnel without written consent from The Studio or unless said Instructor can show a prior professional relationship existed before/outside work related to The Studio.
Reschedules and Cancelations
All schedule changes must be approved by The Studio. The Studio will not be responsible in any way for schedule changes that haven't received such approval. Students and clients are free to cancel or reschedule their lessons up to 24 hours in advance without penalty. Inside this 24 hour window The Studio will only cancel/reschedule a student or client with the Instructor's expressed approval. With said approval, the reschedule/cancelation will be treated as any other regular schedule change.
Instructors will provide a regular weekly availability. Instructors must give at least a 1 week notice for reschedules, cancelations, and any other known changes to such availability. In the event of an emergency Instructors should notify The Studio immediately. The Studio will make every reasonable effort to reschedule students when applicable but can not be held responsible for cancellations that arise from changes in availability.
Any and all circumstances that involve disruption to The Studio's regular operations must be reported immediately. The Studio may reassign any student, client, or task in response to these circumstances freely without obligation to the Instructor.
The Studio will pay Instructors hourly based off of completed lesson hours. Different lessons pay at different rates, based on the value to the customer as well as the assumed difficulty involved in providing those lesson services. Those rates are as follows...
$30 per hour for Beginning Musician Lessons.
$40 per hour for Advanced Musician Lessons.
$50 per hour for Production and Mastering Lessons.
In the event that lessons are “co-taught”, the pay will be divided evenly among the instructors involved. On top of pay for lesson-hours taught, designated “Master Instructors” will be paid the following bonuses...
$5 per hour for lessons taught offsite that don’t require the use of on site studio equipment. This can include online lessons, lessons taught in the Instructor’s own professional space, and/or on site lessons at a location approved by the student
$5 per hour for every lesson associated with that Instructors Studio location. This is to include all lessons, not just those taught by the instructor. However, this $5 will be divided evenly between all Master Instructors associated with that location.
Any financial losses (e.g refunds, damages, etc.) incurred as a result of Instructors behaviors or decisions will be withheld from their pay and/or billed to them with an expected payment of no less than 15 days.
The Studio
The Studio may provide access to a variety of equipment and data. This equipment and data may be used by Instructors to complete any work assigned to them by The Studio. However, this equipment and data is property of The Studio and is not to be given or shared with anyone without The Studio's written consent. Instructors are responsible for any losses incurred as a result of misuse of this equipment or data. The Studio is not required to provide any of this equipment or data and may remove access to any part or all of it freely at it's own discretion.
Instructors may utilize The Studio during any and all operating hours as long as it doesn't interfere with lessons or other business and they've cleared the use with that location’s manager. Instructors are expected to clean up after themselves and to leave all facilities and gear in the condition they found them if not better.
***American Music Studio LLC reserves the right make changes to these policies at any time under it's own discretion. All reasonable efforts will be made to make Instructors aware of any changes.